Accelerated Program
St. Mary School’s “Accelerated Program” is designed to meet the needs of students who require additional challenges in the areas of math and science at the Jr. High level. Students in the program will leave St. Mary’s during the school day to take classes at Andrean High School or Crown Point High School during their 8th grade year. Below is a description of our traditional program followed by a description of our new Accelerated Program.
St. Mary’s Traditional Math Program
In the spring of the 6th grade year, it is decided which math options are best for each student. The determination is based on grades, ISTEP scores (Pass + required), effort, and passing the Basic Skills and Algebra Readiness Exam.
“Option A” (Regular Math)
7th Grade
7th Grade Math Course II
8th Grade
Pre- Algebra
Students who complete this program are very well prepared for Algebra I at high school.
“Option B” (Honors Math)
7th Grade
8th Grade
Algebra I (freshman level high school course)
Students who complete the honors math program typically take Honors Geometry the summer before or during their freshman year of high school.
St. Mary’s Accelerated Math and Science Program
In the spring of the 5th grade year, it is decided which math options are best for each student. The determination is based on the following criteria:
High ability functioning as indicated through grades and performance on the 6th grade comprehensive final exam test and Istep scores (they can do the work).
Natural ability (the work comes easy to them).
It is clear cut that their ability and knowledge is beyond that of their peers as indicated by performance on the CogAT aptitude test. (They need additional challenges above the norm).
Developmental Readiness as determined by the Iowa Acceleration Rating Scale (these students and their families can handle the social impacts involved in participation in the program and have a desire to take on the challenge).
6th Grade
Pre-Algebra (taken with 7th grade class)
7th Grade
Algebra I (taken with 8th grade class)
Eighth grade Science (taken with 8th grade class)
8th Grade
*Honors Geometry
*Honors Biology
*These classes are taken at Crown Point High School at the end of the school day. Participants will attend St. Mary’s for 3/4 of the school day and then finish the school day at CPHS. St. Mary’s schedule will be arranged so that a minimum amount of class time (other than math and science) will be missed by the participants. Transportation is provided by the student’s parents.
In order for students to remain in the Accelerated Program, we require that they maintain an “A” average in all of their classes.