Faith Formation
Cathy Scolaro
Faith Formation Coordinator
Each week, all students and teachers participate in the celebration of the Eucharist. In addition, opportunities are provided for special school Masses and Prayer Services throughout the year.
Religion Classes and Prayer
Each school day begins with the students and faculty joining in prayer. Religious instruction holds a prominent place in the daily schedule. The purpose of the instruction is to foster the knowledge and practice of faith. Parental interest and participation in this instruction is encouraged.
Through religious experiences, it is hoped that our students will come to a personal knowledge of Jesus and learn to actively participate in the faith which unites our community.
Students and parents are invited to send a special intention to be included in the morning prayer. These should be submitted in writing before 7:20 a.m.
Mission Activities
Throughout the year, students are asked to participate in Diocesan sponsored Holy Childhood Association activities. These may include an Advent and Lenten Share/Care Program. A Mission Collection will be taken periodically. Parents are asked to discuss with their children what a reasonable donation for them should be. Programs such as these will hopefully encourage responsible stewardship in adult lives.