Advisory Council
Saint Mary’s Catholic School operates under the authority of the Pastor in collaboration with the Saint Mary’s Pastoral Council and Finance Council.
The day-to-day administration of Saint Mary’s School operates under the leadership of the School Principal who is appointed by the Pastor.
The Saint Mary’s School Advisory Council is the primary forum for the Pastor and the School Principal to seek the wisdom of parents in matters related to the life of our school.
Members of the School Advisory Council are elected for three-year terms by parents of school children who are members of Saint Mary’s Church or other feeder parishes.
We imagine ourselves as a group of disciples who covenant together to explore and share the challenge of designing a new and more faithful school community. Our meetings are more than opportunities for getting work done. They are occasions for praying, studying, sharing and celebrating together. Our gatherings are opportunities for watching over one another in love as we seek to fulfill our Council’s discipleship calling.
​​​​Zachary Beaver​​​​
Rebecca Berns​​​​​
Emily Briseno​​​​​​​​​
Linda Cervera​​​​​​​
​Jenny Horn​​​​
Mrs. Bea Kozlowski​​​​​​
Duke LaMere​​​​​​
Angelina McDonald​​​​​​​
Christy Moon​​​​
Tom Ruiz​​​​​​
Mrs. Katie Sabers​​​​​​
Meagan Skinner​​​​​
Michealene Zarach
Parish Represented
St. Mary
​​St. Mary​
​St. Mary​
​​​​​St. Mary​
​​​Teacher's Rep
​​​​​​St. Mary
​​​St. Mary
​​St. Mary
​​​St. Mary
​​​St. Mary
​​​St. Mary
Year of Term