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Injured 7th Grade Student Happy to Return to St. Mary's School

Jaden Mendez is a 7th grader at St. Mary Catholic Community School in Crown Point. You may have heard about a horrific accident in early December that resulted in Jaden being airlifted to Comer’s Children’s Hospital in Chicago with severe burns to his arms, legs, and face. Jaden’s story was shared with the St. Mary’s community and quickly spread throughout all Northwest Indiana and beyond. “The outpouring of love and prayers for Jaden was incredible. We received numerous communications from people in our own church community, from folks of other faith backgrounds, from various organizations, and community members who simply wanted to know how they could help. Seeing Jaden in the hospital in Chicago shortly after his accident was absolutely gut-wrenching, but seeing the progress he’s made is amazing,” said St. Mary's School principal, Tom Ruiz. A St. Mary’s mother, Mrs. Amanda Ewing, quickly set up a Go Fund Me page to help support the Mendez family that was strongly supported.

Miraculously, Jaden was recently released from the hospital, much sooner than anyone expected. He has been easing back into school at a pace that is conducive to his pain level and energy level while working around doctors’ appointments and extensive therapy. Jaden had this to say about returning to school, “I am thankful to be back at school with my friends. They give me so much support. I am continuing to get better and I am grateful.” Jaden’s father Jimmy and mother Theresa are also grateful. Theresa provided this update, “Jaden is continuing wound care and therapy. He has a long road to recovery and getting back to normal. Our family is thankful for the continued prayers and support. Those prayers and support got us where we are today.”

Jaden towards the beginning of his many weeks in the hospital.

Jaden’s “Graduation Day” leaving the hospital.

Jaden’s friends have been a major support system throughout his entire ordeal and were very happy to see him return to St. Mary’s School



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