The Crown Point Fire Department made a special trip to visit the preschool students at St. Mary Catholic Community School. The students were shown an up close and personal view of a fire truck. Students were also given some important safety tips.

The Crown Point Fire Department made a special trip to visit the preschool students at St. Mary Catholic Community School. The students were shown an up close and personal view of a fire truck. Students were also given some important safety tips. The firefighter friends talked about the importance of practicing for a fire drill not only in school but also at home in the event of an emergency. They also demonstrated what would happen if a child had to be rescued from a fire. Emma Trendowski did a wonderful job assisting in being an example of what a firefighter would do, to get her to safety. The St. Mary’s students were able to see the different compartments and components of a firetruck. The kids were very excited to learn about the importance of what our firefighters do for our school and community. St. Mary Catholic Community School in Crown Point, Indiana, offers grade levels Junior Pre-K (for three-year-old) through grade eight. A new and unprecedented second window of Indiana School Choice Scholarship availability has just opened. In addition, the parameters for qualifying for the program has changed drastically. Most Hoosier students may attend the school of their choice, practically for FREE! More details will be shared at the previously mentioned information meeting in Hammes Hall TONIGHT, Monday, November 29 at 6:30 PM.