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St. Mary Catholic Community School Cleans Neighborhood

St. Mary Catholic Community School in Crown Point’s Environmental Club recently did a neighborhood clean-up. The club members walked along Joliet St. cleaning up trash. They adopted this highway that is in front of their church and school. Along the way they stopped in front of their sign to snap a picture. Environmental Club sponsors stress the importance of being good citizens and decreasing our environmental footprint. About 30 students enthusiastically cleaned the neighborhood. The kids picked up about 4 bags full of trash. Sarah, who is an 8th grader at the school said, “I was happy to get the opportunity to make our town cleaner. It was even more special that we got to clean the highway our school adopted.”

St. Mary’s Environmental Club pauses to take a photo near the sign on Joliet Street in Crown Point that bears the club’s name. Charles Mackey, Lorelai Borozan, Mrs. Brittany Lamere, Braelyn LaMere, Ellie Stork, Noah Cervera, Sean Johanssen, Audrey Berns, Sister Joanne Marie Schutz, Nick Johanssen, Sarah Moreno, Principal Tom Ruiz, Anna DeVries, Reagan Anderson, Luke Howard, Jacob Ford, Ayumi Artis, Abigail McDonald, Duke LaMere, Adriana Borozan, Kim Hise, Danica Carlotto, Grace McIntyre, Owen Oldmos, Lilianne Hise, Isabelle McDonald, Chayse Duncan, Sofia Calzonzi

St. Mary Catholic Community School in Crown Point offers grade levels Junior Pre-Kindergarten (for three-year-olds) through grade eight. St. Mary’s faculty teaches a rich curriculum supported by leading-edge technology. All students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities such as Academic Team, Chess Club, Geography Bee, Science Olympiad, Scouts, Environmental Club, WSMW News Cast, athletics and more. To learn more about enrollment at St. Mary’s School or schedule a personal tour, visit or call 219.663.0676.



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