“Lend a Shoulder Day” is an annual event organized by the Big Shoulders Organization. This year, St. Mary Catholic Community School in Crown Point hosted the 25th annual Lend a Shoulder Day. The event is dedicated to community service and school improvement.
On Lend a Shoulder Day at St. Mary School, guests had the opportunity to engage in several fun and educational activities with students. They visited one of the 2nd grade classes, where they worked together on a creative turkey project, celebrating the Thanksgiving season. The visitors also explored another 2nd grade room, filled with live animals, giving the guests an interactive “hands-on” learning experience.
Guests also participated in a science experiment, sparking curiosity and excitement among the guests and 8th grade students. The day concluded with a heartwarming Thanksgiving program in the kindergarten classroom, where students and guests shared in the spirit of gratitude and community.
St. Mary Catholic Community School in Crown Point offers grade levels Junior Pre-Kindergarten (for three-year-olds) through grade eight. Faith, Academic Excellence, Life Lessons, and Compassion are the pillars of the school. To learn more about St. Mary’s School or schedule a tour, visit school.stmarycp.org.