On Friday May 10, 2024 students from St. Mary Catholic Community School in Crown Point took to the streets on two wheels to participate in the school’s annual “Ride Your Bike to School Day.” St. Mary students gathered at the Lake County Fairgrounds to ride to school. St. Mary’s wishes to extend a special thanks to the Crown Point Emergency Management Director, Mike Wysocki, and his crew and all the parent participants for helping the young riders travel safely to St. Mary School.
Caroline Ploutis, Amelia Ahern, and Jessica Berns were happy to make it to St. Mary’s School on two wheels.
Andrew Hernandez and Jack Ahern woke up very early to participate in St. Mary’s annual Ride Your Bike to School Day.
Staff member, Mr. Paul Czyszczon (far left), supervising the ride down Rosary Lane.
St. Mary Catholic Community School in Crown Point offers grade levels Junior Pre-Kindergarten (for three-year-olds) through eight. The school is currently accepting new students for the 2024-2025 school year. To learn more about St. Mary’s School or schedule a tour, call 663-0676 or visit school.stmarycp.org.