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Veterans Honored at St. Mary's School in Crown Point

St Mary Catholic Community School held its annual Veterans Day Program on Friday, November 15th.  A record number of veterans were welcomed to the school by flag waving preschoolers, before being led by a procession of Girl and Boy Scouts into the gym.   As the first veterans entered the gym, they were met with a roaring standing ovation. The students lifted their voices in song to sing each of the five branches of the military’s song to recognize the veterans as a part of their respective branch. The keynote address was given by Mr. VanDerNoord who served in Vietnam. Mr. VanDerNoord delivered a captivating speech and slideshow about his years of service to his country and his local community. 

Veteran, Jake Huppenthal with daughter, Madelyn

Dale Fleishman, Betsy Quasney, Rachel Quasney, Gary Van Der Noord, Grace Van Der Noord, Carol Van Der Noord

Bobby Scott, Maeve Scott, Rob Scott, Melissa Scott

Cade McGlashan, Leah Lubash, Braulio Gonzalez, Bryn Rodell, Avery Engelbrecht, Quinn Macak

St. Mary Catholic Community School in Crown Point offers grade levels Junior Pre-Kindergarten (for three-year-olds) through grade eight.  St. Mary’s faculty teaches a rich curriculum supported by cutting-edge technology.  Faith, Academic Excellence, Life Lessons, and Compassion are the pillars of the school.  To learn more about St. Mary’s School or schedule a tour, visit



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